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How Are Refractory Anchors Made?

New Equipment Digest states that 40% of the failures that occur within a refractory lining are caused by problems with the design of the refractory anchor. When you hear this, this may lead you to wonder what a refractory anchor is and how it is made. Here are three important things that you need to know about these types of anchors.

What a Refractory Anchor Is

A refractory anchor is an anchor that is meant to hold a refractory lining in place. Refractory linings are installed inside very hot elements, such as kilns, ductwork, furnaces, and hot water tanks. The anchor is welded into place to help ensure the lining does not move or shift when the heated element is turned on. Multiple anchors are used to keep the lining where it needs to be. In addition to holding the refractory lining in place, refractory anchors may also be used to help hold insulation blankets as well.

What Materials Refractory Anchors Are Made From

When people hear the term refractory anchors, they often think that all anchors are the same. This is not the case at all. Refractory anchors can be made from many different materials, including ceramic, stainless steel, alloy metal, or Inconcel. The material that anchors need to be made from can vary based on the temperatures the anchor will be exposed to and what elements, such as water or chemicals, the anchor may be exposed to.

How Refractory Anchors Are Made

It is important to note that not all refractory anchors are the same. The materials they are made from and their size can vary. As such, there are two primary methods for making these types of anchors. One of these methods is referred to as casting. The material is poured into a cast, where the anchor hardens and is then removed from the cast. The other method is by hand. Refractory anchors can be welded by hand if they are made from metal materials.

While the purpose behind refractory anchors is the same, there are many differences between the various anchors that are produced, including how they are made, what materials they are made from, and their shape and size. As such, you need to work with a professional refractory anchor manufacturer to ensure they produce high-quality anchors that can help to hold your refractory linings in place without failing. Contact our team at Refractory Anchors Inc today to learn more.