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Refractory Anchor 101: The Basics

Monolithic refractory anchors help heavily in refractory lining and construction. These anchors can vary between these different jobs. For example, according to What Is Piping, refractory lining can range between 80mm and 300mm, showing a need for various thickness supports. What are monolithic refractory anchors? Let’s take a look at these anchors and the ways that they can benefit you.

What Do These Anchors Do?

Refractory anchors secure the refractory lining used in furnaces and processing equipment. These anchors keep the lining from changing position and affecting the equipment’s operation. They play an important part in furnace and processing equipment designs.

Refractory anchors can also anchor a building, bridge, or other structures. In this context, monolithic anchors include one piece that does not come apart. These anchors may include simpler installation processes, depending on their use. By contrast, modular anchors include multiple pieces that do come apart. This modular design makes them easier to use in more complex settings.

What Materials Are Used to Make These Anchors?

Manufacturers use multiple materials when manufacturing refractory anchors. For example, high-heat ceramic lining anchors in a furnace can tolerate a furnace’s high heat levels. Steel anchors can secure large structures and provide extra support for these facilities.

The anchor’s function dictates its material. However, other factors can also dictate the best type of material for an anchor. These include the need for high heat tolerance, anti-corrosive properties, and tensile strength. Carefully understanding these factors can help you identify the option that works best for you.

Are Monolithic or Modular Anchors Better for Your Project?

An anchor’s purpose dictates whether it suits a specific application. For example, monolithic refractory anchors are known for their strength, but a single continuous design may not fit all applications, including retrofitting. By contrast, a modular anchor can be broken into parts and reassembled for easier access to tight areas.

Ultimately, the best way to decide what is right for your application is to get guidance from a supplier that can walk you through each option’s pros and cons. Connecting with a monolithic refractory anchor supplier can help answer your questions can help you decide which type is best for your application. Call Refractory Anchors Inc today to learn more.